Adding “Durong”… a Queensland town: Go into Data Entry. Click on Thesaurus tab. Use the Find box and type in the first few letters of Durong (eg. dur) (this is just to check the subject does not already exist). When not found, use the find box to lookup another town in Queensland (eg Brisbane… so […]
05.10 Adding to the Thesaurus
05.10.02 Example 2: Adding a “Non-valid” Subject Heading (See Reference)
It’s good to add See References for commonly used terms that point to SCIS valid terms that are unlikely to be used by students. Here is an example:- Adding “Sinking and Floating → Hydrodynamics” Go into Data Entry. Click on Thesaurus tab. Use the Find box and type in the first few letters of Hydrodynamics (eg. […]