This module is not only for Adding a new resource…, but it is also for: Editing existing records. Editing inloaded SCIS data. Viewing lists. Creating special reports. The main aim when entering data is CONSISTENCY. Please take advantage of the tools the software provides to help you be consistent! A few things to remember during the data […]
05 Data Entry
05.01 Adding a New Resource
This page steps through cataloguing standard resources in LibCode Suite. You may also be interested in the following instructions: Adding Multiple Barcodes to a Resource. Editing Resource Data. Linking Resources. Data Entry Examples. Attaching Cover Images to Records. Adding Websites and Clickable Files to a Resource (Ebooks, PDFs. Xls, Docx, etc). Adding eBooks (for Wheeler’s Platform) […]
05.01.01 Cataloguing Specific Resources
This page has details that you will require for cataloguing to follow specific types of resources. Cataloguing Websites The best way to catalogue websites in LibCode Suite is shown in the below steps: Go into Data Entry and Click + (or press F2 to Add). Please fill in the details as you’d expect—title, Author, etc.… […]
05.01.02 Adding Multiple Barcodes to a Resource
These instructions step you through adding multiple barcodes to a resource if the barcodes are sequentially ordered and have the same purchase information. Fill in your catalogue details as per usual, ensuring that all details are filled in and saved before clicking the ‘Barcodes’ tab. Once on the Barcodes tab click the ‘+’ symbol across […]
05.02 Accession Number FAQs
How does Libcode like me to enter accession numbers? Our suggestion is that you enter accession numbers in the following format: 11-0001 (11 relates to the current year, and the 0′s relate to the number of items being accessioned)
05.03 Editing Resource Information
At some stage you will need to change the information entered for a resource, be it a data entry mistake or just adding additional subject headings and barcodes. Changing is Editing. Load the LibCode Suite icon and go into Data Entry module – This screen will appear: Data is displayed in the order of selected column […]
05.03.01 Cleaning Up Multiple Entries
The correct way to add several copies of a resource that will be stored in the same place (ie. together) is to add one catalogue entry and then add several barcodes to the record. If you have found several entries that really should be made one, there is a way to do this easily. Go […]
05.03.02 Splitting Multiple Copies
If you have several copies of an item in one place you might want to move them to make them more available or just to have copies in other sites or locations or even Classification Number! So, moving one or more multiple copies to a new place… * If you are using Site or Location, […]
05.03.03 Adding Websites and Clickable Files to a Resource
This is how you add clickable links to an existing resource. Handy to let researchers know about other things like documents and websites that might be useful! Feel free to add several if necessary. Adding a Website to a Resource: Load the record you would like to add the website to. To insert the URL […]
05.04 Deleting/Culling Records in Data Entry
Deleting/Culling Items (Option One – just a few items) Open LibCode and Data Entry. Choose the record of the item for culling. Click on the Catalogue Detail Tab, the ‘Minus’ button and OK at ‘Delete Record”. The item will appear in RED in the catalogue list. To permanently remove deleted records, the catalogue file should […]
05.05 Cataloguing using SCIS
This process if for Libcode version 6.79 and earlier. Version 7 users should be using the Z39.50 module in Imports/Exports from the main menu. Inloading data from SCIS is a three part process: Downloading resource data from SCIS Website. Inloading SCIS Data into LibCode Suite. Editing SCIS records. Downloading from the SCIS website… Firstly, edit the following setting […]
05.06 Adding PDF Documents & Website Links
Ever wanted to add PDF documents or other files to a record in the Libcode Suite? Follow these steps! Create a folder on your computer so that you can save all PDF documents/Files to the one location and find them easily. Hint! If you are prone to losing your documents, save them to your desktop!! […]
05.07 Copy the details of a Resource
Copying a resource is done when a second copy of a resource has been purchased that is already catalogued, BUT it is to be sited or located in another area. Normally multiple copies means multiple barcodes saved on the on catalogue record. This function is used when those multiple copies will be stored in different locations. The […]
05.08 Setting Up Variable Loan Bags
Setting Up a Variable Loan Bag A Variable Loan Bag can be used to lend items that have not yet been catalogued or will not be catalogued in the near future. For instructions on Lending / Returning Variable Loan Bags click here. Load Utilities and select ‘Setup > Authority Files > GMD’. Check if your list contains a GMD […]
05.09 Linking resources
Researchers often need to be able to find specific items contained a collection of “works”. These Collections can be of any kind: Poems Art Famous Speeches Whatever… (short of ideas right now) When you come across a “collection” type resource you need to make a decision… Is it useful for researchers to be able to […]
05.09.01 Linking records for a Kit
Enter the details of the kit i.e. the title given to the kit as a whole or the title on the cover. Fill in as many fields as possible on the catalogue details screen. Add any co-author, keyword and subject heading details possible. Allocate a barcode to the kit. This is placed on the box or […]
05.09.02 Linking records for a DVD or Video
Videos and DVD’s often have multiple programs recorded on them. The individual programs may not be about the same topic therefore each program should be catalogued as a separate record complete with the relevant subject headings so it can be found by researchers… but… when you lend out the tape (or disc) all the programs […]
05.09.03 Linking records for a Poetry collection
Add a catalogue entry for the “collective work”. Title, Author, Publisher etc… Add a barcode to this record. Save this record and return to the Catalogue tab. Click the Link bar menu option and select Add Link. A new catalogue record appears with the basic details already entered that identify the Host record and where […]
05.09.04 Linking records for an Audio CD
Much the same idea as for a Poetry collection… Add a catalogue entry for the “collective work”. Title, Author, Publisher etc… Add a barcode to this record. Save this record and return to the Catalogue tab. Click the Link bar menu option and select Add Link. A new catalogue record appears with the basic details […]
05.10 Adding to the Thesaurus
The Thesaurus is a list of Subject Headings you choose from to assign to resources. The list is basically moderated by SCIS (although over the years your list may have… ummmm… deviated a little from the true list, both from necessity and lack of understanding) So, you can: Add Valid Subject Headings Add Non-Valid Subject […]
05.10.01 Example 1: Adding a “Valid” Subject Heading
Adding “Durong”… a Queensland town: Go into Data Entry. Click on Thesaurus tab. Use the Find box and type in the first few letters of Durong (eg. dur) (this is just to check the subject does not already exist). When not found, use the find box to lookup another town in Queensland (eg Brisbane… so […]
05.10.02 Example 2: Adding a “Non-valid” Subject Heading (See Reference)
It’s good to add See References for commonly used terms that point to SCIS valid terms that are unlikely to be used by students. Here is an example:- Adding “Sinking and Floating → Hydrodynamics” Go into Data Entry. Click on Thesaurus tab. Use the Find box and type in the first few letters of Hydrodynamics (eg. […]
05.11 Attaching Cover Images to Records
There are three different processes for attaching cover images to your resources. These are: SCIS Inload – inload cover images while inloading records from SCIS. Retrospectively – Uploading ISBN files to SCIS and downloading images. Follow the steps through below for each of these processes. SCIS Inload – Inload cover image while inloading records from SCIS. This […]
05.12 Grid Layout Options
Grid Layout Options allow you to save a specific screen layout for future use. This comes in handy if you continually need to go back to a certain layout that you use for a special report or for cleaning up / checking data. Example: To view a list of resources showing the Series beside the […]
05.13 Using the Report Generator
In the Data Entry module we have included a basic Report Generator to help you produce those reports for special purposes. All you need to do is set filters, select items (use CTRL+Click or SHIFT+Down Arrow to highlight items and use the Show Sel. Only button), re-arrange and resize the columns and click the printer […]
05.14 Data Entry Examples
Outlined below is a brief outline of what makes each type of resource special and different from other resources. There are heaps of different types of resources found in modern collections so we expect this examples area to become more detailed and diverse as this manual is updated. Non-Fiction Books Largest part of a collection […]
05.15 Cataloguing using Z39.50
If using LibCode 7 it is possible to use Z39.50 cataloguing (also known as Rapid Entry or Z cataloguing) this allows you to search remote databases such as SCIS for library records through your Library Management System (LMS) and then import individual records directly into your LMS. To use this feature: At the main LibCode Suite […]
05.01.03 Adding eBooks (for Wheelers ePlatform)
First you will need to set up a new Location, go to Utilities > Setup > Authority Files > Location Add a new Location by clicking on the +. Add the Location – EB and then Description eBooks and then click the ✔. You will then need to add a new GMD, go to Utilities > […]