07 Circulation

07. Circulation

Most schools will use this module on a daily basis. The thing you should know about Circulation is that it is FULL of shortcuts.  If you find it annoying to reach for the mouse all the time then you’ll want to start paying a little more attention to the pop-up messages that let you know […]

07.01 Lending Resources

Go into LibCode Suite and load the Circulation module. Click on the Lend… (or press Ctrl+L) button and the Select Borrower screen will appear… Find the borrower by using either. Their Barcode (Zap in the Borrower Barcode and the Borrower will appear) OR Their Surname (Type in a few letters and then select from a list). Either way you will end […]

07.02 Lending in Bulk – Bulk Loan Boxes

This is used to create a list of items IN a box that can be booked out by scanning one barcode… (We suggest you return items individually!) Making a bulk loan box Load LibCode > Utilities > Setup > Bulk Loan file… Barcode Buffer File Editor appears, scan in all the barcodes for the bulk loan set. Click […]

07.03 Circulation Timeout

Depending on your existing settings you may find that LibCode times out after a certain period of time and requires you to re-load.  Is this happening to you?  If so, don’t worry, it’s easily fixed! First of all, you need to know the location of the CMCirc.exe file. If you don’t know where the file […]

07.04 Returning Loans

Go into LibCode Suite and load the Circulation module Click on the Return… button (or press Ctrl+R) and the Return screen will appear… Item Barcode:  The cursor sits here automatically waiting for you to zap (or type) in the returned resource barcodes… There is no need to press <Enter> or do anything between returns, just keep zapping!  (A […]

07.05 Lending & Returning Non-catalogued Items (Variable Loan Bags)

The instructions below can step you through the lending and returning Variable Loan Bags. To setup your Variable Loan Bag click here. Lending using a Variable Loan Bag: Load Circulation. Select ‘Lend’ across the top. Choose the borrower to whom you want to lend the variable loan bag. Either zap in the barcode or type in […]

07.06 Extending Loans

There are several ways to extend an existing loan. The most obvious is the Extend button on the Circulation screen (but you need to resource!): Click the Extend (Ctrl + X) button in the Circulation module. Zap or type the Resource Barcode into the Extend Current Loans screen (you will need to press <Enter> or click OK if you type […]

07.06.01 Bulk Extensions

You need to be viewing the loan details of the borrower to give a bulk extension. This can be accessed via Lend button (Ctrl + L) then use the borrower barcode or surname to locate the details, OR You can get there via the View > Borrower… Either way you end up with a screen something like this: You need […]

07.06.02 Extending via Lend screen

Via the Lend screen in Circulation Go to Circulation > Lend, then click on the Lend button After selecting a borrower you will see the Lend screen… If you right click on a resource in the Current Loans area, a menu will appear. Click on the Extend loan option in the pop-up menu and the […]

07.06.03 Extending via View

By clicking the View button and selecting Borrower… Either way, after selecting a borrower you will see the Lend screen… If you right click on a resource in the Current Loans area, a menu will appear. Click on the Extend loan option in the pop-up menu and the Extend Loan screen will appear just as it would […]

07.07 Reports

Reports relating to the circulation of resources are done here, including Loan History (Returned Loans). Reports include: Current Loans… print out a list of current loans using the filter options to narrow down and sort the required information. Overdue Loans… list of overdue resources for groups or individual borrowers without values. Returned Loans (History of loans)… […]

07.07.01 Current Loans

There are so many examples of what you might want to do with this report! Obviously we can’t cover them all BUT if you email us the reason and a description of why you do it, we’d love to write more instructions for other people to discover! Once you go into the Current Loans report […]

07.07.02 Overdue Loans

This report will generate a list of overdue loans (up to a designated date) WITHOUT COSTS.  The range is useful to keep a track of how many overdue notices have been sent to a borrower, ie. 1 month overdue notice, 2 month overdue notice, 3 month overdue notice, it’s time to pay up notice… Usually the […]

07.07.03 Emailing Overdues & Unreturned

The first step to emailing overdues to your students & staff is to setup the basic email settings that we have built into LibCode Suite. If you are unsure as to what these settings will be, ask your IT Technician and he or she should be able to tell you. Setup Email Settings Load Utilities. […]

07.07.04 Returned Loans (Loan History)

There are several ways to check Loan History in LibCode Suite. Reports: Go into the Circulation Module > Reports > Returned Loans Report.  This gives you a report on the screen of ALL history between certain dates which can then be manipulated for any purpose… be that a Resource history, Borrower history, Group history simply by setting […] Loan History for a Group

Go into LibCode Suite and load the Circulation module. Click on Reports in the Bar menu and select Returned Loans (as shown below). Set the start (from) and finish (to) dates to narrow down the search and click OK.    (The dates automatically displayed will select ALL loan history in the system) Once the selected loan […] Loan History for a Borrower

There are several ways to get to a one click view loan history function for a specific Borrower. Via the Lend option in Circulation Click the Lend button in the Circulation module. Call up the borrower you would like to check either by Barcode or Surname. Click the Loan History or Returned Loans button (depending […] Loan History for a Resource

To get to the one-click view loan history for a specific resource, you need to: Go into the Circulation module, click the View button and select Title. Locate the resource you would like to check on using the Title (then pick from a list)  or zap in the Barcode of the resource to jump straight to it. […]

07.07.05 Unreturned Loans

This report is used when it becomes necessary to print off lists of unreturned resources with costs. As long as you added the cost of resources when you were cataloguing, the unreturned list can be very motivating for borrowers to return overdue loans once they can see how much they may have to pay for […] Unreturned Loans Report

To generate this report head into Circulation > Reports > Unreturned Loans (Ctrl+U). The Unreturned Loans screen: Include / Exclude Staff from list with a click. Set a Filter to restrict the displayed list of loans if necessary. Manually highlight loans in the displayed list by using Ctrl+Click. Click the Show Sel Only button to only display […] Unreturned Loans Letter

Once you’ve got the Unreturned report screen up: Include or Exclude Staff from the report by clicking this box. Set a Filter to restrict the loans displayed in the grid (in this example we’ve used Level Equal to 12 so only the loans for year 12 students are displayed). We’ve selected several specific loans from […]

07.07.06 Create Buffer Files from Circulation Reports

These instructions will step you through creating a buffer file from any Circulation Report. Once this buffer file has been created it can be used to bulk lend, return and extend items, move to different locations or even write off. Load the Circulation report of your choice. Filter the report to show the loaned resources […]

07.08 Reservations

There are two types of reservations… Reservation – A simple queue for who should get the resource next. Advance Booking – Used to book a resource for a particular day in the future. Reserving a Resource To Reserve a resource go into Circulation and click the Reserve button then select Add Reservation from the drop down […]

07.08.01 Advanced Booking

To Advance Book a resource, go into Circulation, click on the Reserve button and then select Add Advance Booking… Select the Borrower wanting to make an Advance Booking by zapping in their barcode or by typing the first part of their surname and choosing from a list… Now select the Title you would like to […]

07.09 Viewing Borrower / Resources

The view option tracks information about a borrower or a resource and can also be used to view their history. Loan History for a specific Borrower… There are several ways to get to a one-click9 view loan history function for a specific Borrower. Using the View option Click the View button in the Circulation module […]

07.10 Adding Notes to Items through Circulation

The instructions below will step you through adding notes to a resource’s barcode notes while in Circulation. This feature provides a ‘Return Warning’, e.g., this note will appear when the barcode is scanned in Returns. It can be used to note if a book has a CD attached or whether the resource has been damaged […]

07.11 Marking as Missing or Written Off & Return Lost Loans in Circulation

The instructions below will mark a resource barcode as missing or written off whilst in Circulation. Note: This task can only performed whilst the resource is still on loan. Marking Missing or Written Off & Return Lost Loans Double click on LibCode Suite icon. Click on Circulation. Select View / Borrower from the toolbar or select […]

07.12 Statistic reports include

Daily – Loans entered for a particular date range.  These are sorted by default in ascending date order or by the descending loan total, when selected, to illustrate the library’s busiest days. Select the lowest date range value. Set the highest date range value. If you wish to view your report according to the busiest days […]

07.13 Borrowers

Go into the Circulation module and click the Borrower button… Find To locate a borrower by surname start typing in the first few characters of the name. As each character is added the list is adjusted accordingly to match the name to the search. Filter The filter option allows you to locate a borrower by […]

07.13.01 Adding & Editing Borrowers

Go into LibCode Suite and then load the Circulation module. Click on the Borrowers button on the Circulation screen. The Setup screen will appear.  Click on the + button to add a new borrower… The Borrower details screen will appear… go ahead and add necessary details. (Each field on this screen is described below the […]

07.13.02 Borrower Images – Pictures in Circulation

Pictures can be added to Borrowers to help staff recognise borrowers ***Please Note – Circulation can handle jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, emf, wmf files*** If images have the same name as the Borrower Barcode AND are in the Images folder that has been setup in Utilities the pictures will automatically appear every time a borrower […]

07.13.03 Adding Notes to Borrowers

Follow the instructions below to add notes for a borrower. Double-click on the LibCode Suite icon. Click on Circulation. Click on Borrowers. Type Borrower’s name. Click on Borrower and Borrower Detail. Click in Notes Field. Type note (student able to borrow three books for two weeks). Save the record. The note will appear when the […]

07.13.04 Deleting Borrowers

In Bulk… See Bulk Deleting Borrower Info. Individually… Find the borrower you would like to Delete, click on it in the list, and click the Borrower Detail tab. There is now a – button up the top… YES to confirm and borrower record will turn red and be deleted next time you do a Backup… OR […]