08.06.06 Updating Circulation Bulk Update Borrower info

Sometimes it is necessary to change borrower details in bulk.  Any time you need to do the same thing to lots of borrowers it might be possible to save yourself a lot of time by doing the changes in bulk via Utilities > Update. Some examples: Changing Group/Class in bulk: Miss Smith the year 1 teacher […] Bulk Deleting Borrower info

A couple of examples of Bulk Deleting borrowers… At the end of a year there might be a whole Group or even Level of borrowers that need to be removed. Removing Left students at the start or end of a year (keep students with outstanding loans). *** NOTE:  Remember to BACKUP first in case you […] Unused Groups

To delete any unused groups from the system: Open Utilities and do a backup Stay in Utilities and click on Update > Circulation > Unused Groups This operation will not remove any group with borrowers still attached so you might like to use the Borrower update function to move borrowers into other groups or you could do […] Return Loans

This is option is used to bulk return loans in bulk AND to deal with Unreturned loans in bulk! Not often used and you might like to discuss this option with the LibCode Office before using it… MAKE SURE you do a backup before using a function like this! VERY HANDY! This option now marks […] Cleanup Loans

This option will permanently remove any ‘orphan’ loans that no longer have a borrower attached or the title has been deleted.  This can occur when indexes are corrupted, a resource has been culled using a buffer file or the borrower has been deleted with loans still outstanding (possible in earlier versions). Cleanup Loans is one […] Prune Returned Loans

Previously called Deleting Loan History in the old DOS LibCode, Prune Returned Loans will remove any reference to a returned loan prior to a selected date. Used to cleanup Loan History when it gets to be usually over 5 years old… Prune Reservations

It’s the beginning of the year and your ambitious readers were reserving books as if there was no tomorrow.  It’s now term 2 and there is a pile of uncollected reservations that continues to grow regardless of how many notifications you give out and other borrowers would like to read the book. By using the […] Synchronising Borrowers and Rolling Over Student Data

Synchronising Borrowers with an in-load file (In-loading borrower information from another computer system). These are the Office Systems we have setup a standard process for: *** IMPORTANT NOTE*** These instructions may have been created for old versions of Office Systems. The important information is: – The number of fields in the file you are creating […]