08.07 Reports

08.07.01 Accession Register

Accession Register Report allows you to print a list of resources within a specific range of accession numbers. Once the accession number parameters have been set the report generated will list the following details – Accession Number. Barcode. Title. Place of Publication. GMD. Call Number & Site. Status. Acquisition Date (and if applicable the Status […]

08.07.02 Report Showing Students Who Do Not Have Items on Loan

There is no report specifically written for this purpose but you can do this if required by repeating the following steps: Go to Circulation and then into Borrowers. As you view that list you can tell by looking at the borrowers who has loans and who does not. (Bold = HAS loans…) Click the Group […]

08.07.03 Barcodes Listing

Barcode listings can be used to print a list of specific resources contained in a particular area. The advantage of a Barcode Listing in Shelf List order over a Shelf List is that you get each individual copy of a resource listed. This allows the positive identification of each barcoded copy of a resource, not […]

08.07.04 Audit List (Supplier)

Audit Lists (Supplier) will generate a report detailing resources purchased from various suppliers during a set period of time. This report will group and display the following information: Supplier Details including: Invoice Number. Sub-totals and totals for both invoices and supplier. Total cost of all Acquisitions. Average price of each resource. Resource Details including: Accession […]

08.07.05 Audit List (Fund)

Audit Lists by Fund allow you to print a list of resources purchased with specific funds. This report lists: The Fund. Invoice Numbers. Accession Number. Barcode. Title. GMD. Acquisition Date. Supplier. Cost. Sub total and Total. Average price per book. Example… The P & C Association has been generously allocating $5,000 for the past three […]

08.07.06 Shelf List

The Shelf List Report allows you to print a shelf list of resources for manual checking. When you first open this report you will notice that on the left hand side of the screen the fields are blank – this is the lowest possible value.  On the right hand side the fields are full of […]

08.07.07 Collection Statistics

This report is a great way to check out your collection for stocktaking, collection analysis and data consistency. Load Utilities. Select ‘Reports / Collection Statistics’. The report will now load displaying all sections broken down by Department / Site / Location… and number of barcoded items in each section. Here is an example report with […]

08.07.09 Spine Labels

Printing Spine Labels: If you have created a Buffer File to print your spine labels refer to the instructions below. Use the selection criteria to define the resources you wish to print labels for.  In most cases you would use either the Acquisition Date from the 1st Catalogue field drop down or an Accession Number range from […]

08.07.10 Borrower Barcodes

Borrower Barcodes can now be printed either by Group or by Level.  This facility is very handy if your school is only small as it eliminates the need to purchase specific Borrower Barcodes.  The lists that are generated can be kept in a display folder on the circulation desk for easy reference, particularly when classes […]