08.08 Setup

08.08.01 Authority Files

The below settings are located under the Authority Files menu. General Material Designation or Description pop-up table (GMD field) Used to describe the type of a resource. Only used for non-book resources. Feel free to add entries to this list as necessary. Generally the Enquiry (OPAC) does not display resources that have no valid Copies […] Adjusting the GMD table

When you start typing in resource information, you will notice the GMD field has a drop-down  list of options regarding the type of resource being entered.  This list can be adjusted to suit your resource collection. Note: DO NOT put a GMD on normal books this just adds clutter to the screen and makes the […] Adjusting the Country table

This table is rarely, if ever, changed.  When you start typing in resource information, you will notice the Country field has a drop-down list of options regarding where the resource being entered was published.  The Country of origin can be useful  to point out possible bias of resources regarding a controversial topic.  This list can […] Department

When you start typing in resource information, you will notice the Department field has a drop-down  list of options to describe the department to which these resources belong. This list can be adjusted to suit your resource collection. Note: You have only 4 characters for the Department code. You have 30 characters for the Description. […] Adding, Editing & Deleting Sites

When you start typing in resource information, you will notice the Site field has a drop-down  list of options to describe the building where the resources are housed.  This list can be adjusted to suit your resource collection. Note: You have only 4 characters for the Site code. You have 30 characters for the Description. […] Adjusting the Location table

When you start typing in resource information, you will notice the Location field has a drop-down  list of options regarding the location of the resource within a Site.  This list can be adjusted to suit your resource collection. Note: You have only 3 characters for the Location code. You have 30 characters for the Description. […]

08.08.02 Windows 7 Compatibility (MOE 3)

Yes. Windows 7 on Server 2003 is compatible with Libcode. If your MOE3 involves a change from Windows Server 2003 to Server 2008, you must get a person with appropriate rights to alter the registry on any computer used for data entry of circulation. The address of the necessary document, links and instructions are at […]

08.08.03 Circulation Options

Any circulation related settings are located under this menu option. The Circulation settings which can be changed from here are located below: Loan Period Staff Extension Loan Period Extensions and Cut-off Dates Reservation Expiry Check for Overdues (Toggle) Check for Loan Notes (Toggle) Use Replacement Cost Change Circulation Warning Sound Borrower Images Folder Loan Period, Loan Extensions & Due Date Overview

This page will give an overview of how the Loan Period is used to calculate the Due Date and how the Loan- Cut-Off dates and Loan Extensions affect this due date. The different Circulation options related to Loans:        Loan Period        Staff Extension        Loan Period Extension   […] Adjusting the Loan Period Default

When adding a barcode (or copy) of a resource to Data Entry, a number automatically appears in the Loan Period field.  This determines the automatic due date of the resource.  The default number can be typed over if necessary, but if the school policy is seven days (instead of fourteen) you can change the “default” […] Adjusting the Staff Extension

The Staff Extension automatically adds a set number of days to the normal Loan Period of a resource for a Staff loan.  For example… if a 14 day staff extension is set and a staff member borrows a resource which is normally allowed out for 14 days, the loan is due back in 28 days. […] Adjusting the Loan Cut-off Dates

Loan cut-off dates are set to prevent loans after a certain date.  This is usually only used for the end of the school year but can be used for any holiday period.  For example… if a student (or staff member) borrows a resource normally allowed out for 14 days and it is only 12 days […] Reservation Expiry

This function sets the number of days from the day of reservation that the record will automatically expire (be deleted). Go into Utilities > Setup > Circulation Options > Reservation Expiry Set the number of days for which you would like to keep the Reservation details and click OK. (You do actually get a chance to set the Expiry […] Check for Overdues (Toggle)

When returning items in the Circulation module, there is a Check for Overdues check box at the top of the screen.  When this box is ticked a warning message will be displayed every time an overdue loan is returned.  This is useful for schools that keep a list of overdue loans at the Circulation desk which […] Check for Loan Notes (Toggle)

This setting determines whether Loan Notes are automatically displayed when items are returned in Circulation… you probably want this option ON! Steps for Setting Check Loan Notes on or off… LibCode Suite > Utilities > Setup > Circulation Options > Check for Loan Notes… (simply by clicking on the Check for Loan Notes option it actually changes the setting).  […] Use Replacement Cost

This setting determines whether reports use the Replacement Cost or the Cost in the Barcode details section of the record. Steps for Setting Use Replacement Cost… LibCode Suite > Utilities > Setup > Circulation Options > USe Replacement Cost… (simply by clicking on the Use Replacement Cost option it actually changes the setting).  Click it on or Click it […] Use Last Name for Lending

To set the Circulation to default to searching by ‘Last Name’ rather than Barcode follow the below instructions. Load Utilities. Select Setup > Circulation Options – Untick the ‘Use Borrower Barcode’ option at the bottom of the list. Circulation will now default into the ‘Last Name’ field when on the lend screen instead of Borrower Barcode.

08.08.04 Adjusting the Depreciation Rate

The Depreciation Rate is an annual percentage of initial purchase cost.  Once set it is used to calculate current value of resources for reports if you opt to include the Depreciated Value.  This function is usually used for Departmental resources when it is necessary to budget for resource replacement Steps for adjusting the Depreciation Rate… […]

08.08.05 Change/Set Password

There are three levels of passwords that allow varying degrees of access to software modules and functions.  Passwords should be set if there is any chance that unauthorised users can access Library Staff shortcuts (LibCode Menu, Data Entry, Utilities etc.). Level 1 (LibCode Suite Administrator) Provides access to all software functions. Highest level and will allow […]

08.08.06 Creating Buffer Files

A Buffer file is simply a list of barcodes that can be used to make changes to data. This is handy when the collection of resources have nothing in common. Some examples of use: Culling – you could scan or type in the barcodes of a bunch of items you want to cull, then tell LibCode […]

08.08.07 Setup Email Settings

Setup Email Settings You will need to find out these details from your Technician before you start: SMTP Host. Email Address. Steps: Load Utilities Select Setup > Send Mail Setup. Enter your host e.g. mail.ilisys.com.au & then enter your email address in the “From” box. Click OK. And that’s it, now you can email all your […]

08.08.08 Change Circulation Warning Sound

Using the below steps you can change the Circulation Warning Sound to a more distinctive sound if you would like. Load LibCode Suite > Utilities. Select Setup > Circulation Options. Choose Circ. Warning Sound and simply choose what you think will be the most distinctive warning sound for use in Circulation. This sound will be heard when […]

08.08.09 Setup Borrower Images Folder

Setting Up / Changing the location of the Images folder used by Circulation: Load Utilities. Select Setup > Circulation Options. Choose Bor. Images Folder and type in the location of your borrower images. For instructions on how to add borrower images to your borrowers click here. Note: If the borrower photos are already stored on the […]