10 Stocktake

10. Stocktaking with LibCode Suite

YAY!!! It’s stocktake time! If we start with that kind of enthusiasm perhaps we’ll get through this job without a change of career?! Just remember… you do this job so when YOU look for resources in your catalogue you WILL find them on the shelves. Simple. What is a stocktake? Checking what is on the shelves compared […]

10.01 Step by step guide to doing a Stocktake

Stocktaking with LibCode Suite The Stocktaking process… We strongly advise that the everyday library tasks of Cataloguing and Circulating do not continue until the stocktake has been completed and Reconciled. (This can be broken up into VERY small sections to make it possible.) Clean out old stocktaking information Utilities > Stocktake > New Stocktake > at ‘Do you […]

10.02 Stocktaking – Tips & Warnings

What is the purpose of a Stocktake? Stocktaking is basically your opportunity to find out what has walked out the door of your library without being borrowed. Stocktaking involves actually handling every resource in your collection (not currently on loan) so it is a perfect time to check the condition and age of your resources… […]

10.03 Cleaning up Data for a Stocktake

Perfect Data is easy to stocktake…so, you might need to do some cleaning up of your database before you start a stocktake. RULE No. 1. – Backup before you do Bulk Updates! RULE No. 2. – If you have a big data edit job to do… contact the LibCode Office to check if there is a […]

10.04 Using the Stocktake Checksheet

What is this all about? The Stocktake Checksheet was created by Bronny at a busy High School to make sure each section of her library was stocktaken properly. Each column represents a single section of the library. – For example:  This could be the Entire Fiction section or just Fiction A – C. Each row in the document represents something you […]

10.05 How to Start a New Stocktake

This is where old stockfiles are purged before commencing a new stocktake.  It is not necessary to undertake a stocktake of your complete resource collection. Sections can be done at a time that is convenient to both you and your organisation.  To carry out a partial stocktake i.e. one area of your collection at a […]

10.06 Setting Stocktake Parameters

During stocktake you need to set Stocktake Parameters.  This can be a little daunting the first few times so here is an explanation of the Stocktake Parameters screen… The Parameters screen is on the left and the Data Entry screen is on the right. A Special Note: The Stocktake Parameters set in Step 2 are only […]

10.07 Adding Barcodes to your Stocktake

When you jump into Add you will see this screen… In English this means… “Do you want a warning when there is something wrong with the item you just scanned?” –  “Pausing on error” allows you to immediately identify a resource that is outside the parameters of the area currently being stocktaken.  You can only use ‘Pause […]

10.08 Stocktake using a Cipher Lab Memory Scanner

Instructions for the 4 Portable/Memory Barcode scanners we have ever sold and supported… (If we’ve forgotten one, let us know!) Cipher 1067M and LibCode Stocktake Cipher 1166 and LibCode Stocktake Cipher 1560 and LibCode Stocktake MetroLogic and LibCode Stocktake

10.09 Using Files to Add to your Stocktake

Stocktake data can be collected using a number of non-networked computers / laptops using either the Utilities > Setup > Buffer file OR by opening Notepad and scanning in the resource barcodes.  The file is then saved and added to the Stock file by using the File Append to inload the saved *.txt or *.buf file. This […]

10.10 Exporting your Stocktake Data

If you have set up a stand alone computer or laptop to do your stocktake, but your main database is on the Server (or main library computer) you can collect stocktake data, export the data in a text file format and then append it to the stocktake on the Server or main library computer. This […]

10.11 View your Stocktaking, the Stockfile

This is where you start comparing the scanned items to the database and fix problem records… (Circulation > Stocktake > View > Set parameters > Find and fix dodgy data in Data Entry module…) Setting parameters can be a bit tricky to start off with but once you have the done it a couple of times it makes more […]

10.12 Stocktake Reports

To do these reports you’ll need to be able to set Stocktake Parameters. (Click here to see an explanation of Stocktake Parameters) There are 2 places you can do a Missing and Found report… Circulation > Stocktake > Reports… The reports are here so you can view and check on your process. Also when you are in […]

10.13 Reconciling your Stocktake

When you have completed either a partial or a full stocktake you need to Reconcile the records… If you don’t, you have wasted the time and effort stocktaking. Before Reconciling a stocktake, you should print a Found Items Report. Part of the Reconcile process removes the Missing status from Found records… so if you Reconcile it’s too […]

10.14 Mark Items as Missing

WARNING!!! Good idea to do a BACKUP before you do this… just in case you need to say OOPS! Once you have reconciled your stocktake and you are totally happy with your Stocktake > Missing report for certain parameters THEN you need to mark resources Not on Loan OR not included in the stocktake as Missing. (Click here […]

10.15 Writing Resources off

This is NOT a necessary thing to do. You can always just treat items that have been missing for a long time as written off… eg. Use the Cull Items function (see below for instructions) to print and then delete all items that have been missing for over 3 years. This function is for those […]

10.16 Disaster Recovery

What needs to be done for your database in the event of your library collection being damaged and how do you recover from it? Three scenarios spring to mind: 1. Lost the lot! Guard your USB backups like they are worth half a million dollars… because they are! Call the LibCode Office (07) 4638 9415 […]

10.17 Sandra’s Stocktake Tips

There are a always a number of ways to attack a stocktake and we have made lots of attempts over the years to document the process…it seems one size does not fit all! Below you will find a copy of Sandy’s Super-popular Stocktake Steps, as well as a link to the stocktake instructions from our […]