This is where you do all your backing up and any restoring of data that may be required. Below is a quick outline of good backing up procedures, for more information on any of the backups or restore c...
08.02.01 Backup Policy
The Library/Resource Centre houses the largest single database in the school, and certainly the most costly to replace or repair. Special care needs to be taken with archiving backups to cater for cri...
08.02.02 Backup
DO NOT interrupt this Backup mid process! (If you do, you will need to call us to fix it) This option also performs necessary housekeeping tasks to ensure that your database is happy. The tasks inc...
08.02.03 Alternate Backup
This option makes a copy of data AND software to another location (this can be used temporarily if Server / Network is down… you just need to remember to restore the data to the Server once it’s...
08.02.04 External Backup
During this backup unreplaceable data is copied to a USB drive. DO NOT USE CD-R’s to perform this backup (Click here to read about CD-R backups). This backup is done to a removable or portable devi...