This is the ‘gateway’ to the LibCode Suite.
The LibCode Suite Menu:
- Runs from LCSuite.exe and provides access to all modules by clicking on the required button.
- Allows for passwords to be setup via Utilities > Setup > Change Password to restrict access to various modules and functions.
- If you have the CME Web Module you will need use the Exports module for the outload of data to the CME Web catalogue.
- Most importantly displays the location of the current working folder at the bottom of the screen in the ‘Data Folder’ location. You should be aware of where your system is running from and always check this information when opening your LibCode Suite… Be aware of where your system is actually stored!
- Ensures that once a module is opened it can be minimised for quick recall. There is no need to close unused modules until the end of the day. (The only exception to this general rule is where poor power supply is an issue. Modules should then be closed after use avoiding issues with indexes and data corruption)
1. Help options
- ReadMe – Not used.
- Tutorials – Links to on screen Tutorials if installed.
- Manuals – Links to on screen Manual if installed.
- Register – Used to re-register LibCode Suite each year.
- Re-index – Special Re-index function for emergency use only.
- Free Space – Lets you know how much hard drive space you have spare!
2. Exports module for the outload of data to CME Web catalogue
- Data can also be outloaded in several formats under Utilities > Inload/Outload
3. The Data Folder area displays the location of the current working data folder