- First you will need to set up a new Location, go to Utilities > Setup > Authority Files > Location
- Add a new Location by clicking on the +. Add the Location – EB and then Description eBooks and then click the ✔.
- You will then need to add a new GMD, go to Utilities > Setup > Authority Files > GMD
- Add a new GMD by clicking on the +. Add the GMD – EB* and then Description eBooks and then click the ✔. (Please note: adding the * ensures that the record shows up in CMEWeb/Inquiry even though it has zero copies, no barcode .)
- You will then need to do a Backup and External Backup (add Date Folder and eBooks).
- Go to Data Entry > SCIS > Edit to check if any records are still in SCIS. If this is the case you will need to change the # in front of the SCIS No to something else so it can be restored back when finished (please check at the bottom of the screen and note how many SCIS records exist).
- To change the SCIS No # close Data Entry (ensure that no one else is using LibCode) and go to Utilities > Update > Advanced Replace. Go past the warnings by pressing the correct function key (we already have an External and Main Backup).
- Use the following parameters: Select File: Catalogue; Select Field: SCISNO; Find: #; Replace with: X (Note the ‘X’ needs to be UPPERCASE).
- Click Update and then a prompt will come up advising that there are ‘the number of SCIS records checked in No 3 above’ confirming that you would like to replace that many records from ‘#’ to ‘X’.
- Click Yes and then Yes to All. Go to Data Entry and check there are no SCIS records.
- You will then need to go to Inload/Outload and inload the Marc file that your eBook provider has sent to you (shouldn’t be any images).
- Go to Utilities/Update/Catalogue/Update, press the function key to get past the warning screen as the backup has already been done.
- In the Selection Criteria > Selection Field box use the down arrow and select SCIS Number and in the Contains box type ‘#’, then Apply.
- Maximise the screen and check at the bottom to ensure that the number of eBook records are correct.
- If this is the case, go to Replacement Criteria and choose Location from the Replacement Field menu. In Location find EB and then click Replace.
- You will need to use the same steps (from 9.) to add the GMD (EB*).
- Now to bulk delete the ‘#’ on all SCIS records…
- Go to Utilities > Update > Advanced Replace and fill in the following details: Select File: Catalogue; Select Field: SCISNO; Find: #; Replace with: (leave this space blank).
- Click Update and then check that the number at the bottom and records are the eBooks.
- Then click Yes and then Yes to all, this will remove the # from the SCIS No so the records will now be found in the general catalogue.
- Finally we need to replace the X to set the original SCIS Edit records back to # in front of the SCIS No.
- Follow the steps above (Step 18. onwards) but the Find box needs to be ‘X’ and the Replace with needs to be ‘#’.
- You will then need to do a Webexport so the new records can be found on CMEWeb.