Ever wanted to add PDF documents or other files to a record in the Libcode Suite? Follow these steps!
- Create a folder on your computer so that you can save all PDF documents/Files to the one location and find them easily. Hint! If you are prone to losing your documents, save them to your desktop!!
- Move the files to this folder.
- Go to the Data Entry module and click into the Notes field.
- Once you’re in the notes field, right click and choose the “insert file” option.
- Find the folder you’ve saved your files to and highlight the appropriate file.
- Click on “OK” or “insert file” and a link to the document will appear!
How do I add a link to a website into a record in the Libcode Suite? Easy!
- Go the Data Entry module and click into the Notes field.
- Once you’re in the notes field, right click and choose the “insert website” option.
- Enter the URL (address of the website).
- All done!
Tags: add pdf, adding website, adding link, adding links, add link, adding site, adding url, adding pdf, adding pdfs, adding websites, website link, pdf link