Setting Up a Variable Loan Bag
A Variable Loan Bag can be used to lend items that have not yet been catalogued or will not be catalogued in the near future. For instructions on Lending / Returning Variable Loan Bags click here.
- Load Utilities and select ‘Setup > Authority Files > GMD’.
- Check if your list contains a GMD of ‘VAR’ – Variable Loan, if not you will need to add this GMD:
- Click the ‘+’ across the top.
- Type the GMD Code as ‘VAR’ and the description as ‘Variable Loan’.
- Click the ‘Tick’ across the top to save the GMD.
- Now Load Data Entry.
- Add new record.
- Give it a title of Variable Loan Bag 01.
- In GMD we need to select ‘VAR’ – Variable Loan 001.
- Locate the Variable Loan where you would like it to be stored in your library.
- Don’t fill in any other details on the catalogue details screen and save the record by clicking ‘F9’ or the tick across the top.
- Now select ‘Barcodes’ across the top and click the ‘+’ across the top to add a new barcode.
- Either enter the barcode you would like to use for this bag or box or create a new barcode by typing in the following barcode into the barcode box VLB001.
- Make the accession number the same as the Barcode, you may also want to change the Loan Period.
- Once you are happy click the tick across the top or ‘F9’.
Tags: loan bags, non-catalogued items, setting up variable loan bags, setup loan bags, setup variable loan bags