If using LibCode 7 it is possible to use Z39.50 cataloguing (also known as Rapid Entry or Z cataloguing) this allows you to search remote databases such as SCIS for library records through your Library Management System (LMS) and then import individual records directly into your LMS.
To use this feature:
- At the main LibCode Suite Menu click Imports/Exports > Get Records from SCIS
- Start scanning ISBNs into the Scan in or Type your ISBNs, ISSNs and SCIS No. here
- Once all ISBNs have been scanned in, click the Get Data button
- Results should start appearing (e.g. a green tick beside the ISBN indicates that the record has been matched, a red cross indicates the record isn’t yet in SCIS)
- Click Send item(s) to Data Entry button
- A message will appear showing the number of records inloaded
- Go into Data Entry and click SCIS in the top bar menu, then Edit
- The results from the SCIS inload will appear ready to be catalogued.
NB: If the Z39.50 cataloguing doesn’t work don’t hesitate to get in touch with LibCode Support.