To find the relevant classification number (LibCode uses the Dewey Decimal Classification System) LibCode offers a handy tool!
- From the item record located in Data Entry, type a topic relating to the item into the “classification number field” and click on the < … > at the end of the field.
- Choose the bottom option i.e. <Show subjects with their Classification numbers>.
- LibCode will suggest a Dewey Decimal Number for you!
- If you think it is an appropriate number, simply choose it!
- If not, repeat the steps listed above but use a different subject.
- Don’t forget to add the subject you chose to your item record by clicking the Subject tab.
HINT! If you’re still having trouble, try searching the catalogues of other libraries for the same item! If you find another library with the same item, you’re in luck! Check the number they’ve used to classify the item and if it fits in with your collection, use it!
Tags: finding a classification number, DDC, Dewey decimal classification system, call number, location number, cataloguing