Reports relating to the circulation of resources are done here, including Loan History (Returned Loans).
Reports include:
- Current Loans… print out a list of current loans using the filter options to narrow down and sort the required information.
- Overdue Loans… list of overdue resources for groups or individual borrowers without values.
- Returned Loans (History of loans)… print historical reports for groups or individual borrowers.
- Unreturned Loans… can be a normal report, or you can generate pro-forma letters for printing on your organisation’s letterhead, folding them, and posting them to borrowers (with or without values).
- See Statistics to create lists of resources borrowed by a particular group or borrower during period of time.
Once a report grid has been displayed, you can re-sort the data using any of the column headers.
- Click on the column heading to re-sort.
- You will notice that the column heading is now in bold to identify the order of the data.
This data is currently sorted by GROUP.
It is also possible to highlight multiple lines by using CTRL+Click or Shift+Down Arrow.
- After highlighting several loan records you just click the Show Sel. Only button to reduce the displayed list to show only the selected items… (strange but true!)
Tags: reports, create reports, create a report, print a report, how to make a report, generate a report, generating reports,