Most schools will use this module on a daily basis.
The thing you should know about Circulation is that it is FULL of shortcuts. If you find it annoying to reach for the mouse all the time then you’ll want to start paying a little more attention to the pop-up messages that let you know the shortcut every time you point to something!
Functions of this module include:
- Lending and Returns.
- Extensions.
- Bulk Loans, Bulk Extensions and Bulk Returns.
- Viewing loans by Title, Barcode or Borrower.
- Reports – Current Loans, Overdues, Returned (History), Un-returned (letter option)
- Reservations and Advanced Bookings
- Resource and Borrower Loan Statistics
- Borrower Details are stored (bulk inload and changes are done via Utilities > Update > Circulation > Synchronise)
- Stocktake information is entered
- Dealing with Unreturned Loans (Getting them off the Overdue Reports!)
- Emailing Overdues to Students & Staff.
Circulation can be password protected or a separate desktop icon can be created for restricted access by Teachers and Library Monitors see Utilities > Setup module.
Tags: Circulation