This is option is used to bulk return loans in bulk AND to deal with Unreturned loans in bulk!
Not often used and you might like to discuss this option with the LibCode Office before using it… MAKE SURE you do a backup before using a function like this!
VERY HANDY! This option now marks bulk returned resources Missing.
(IE. Adds M to Barcode Status field and a date to the Status Date along with a NOTE that records Who and When it was lent)
– Once you use this bulk data change function the number of Copies in the records will need to be corrected… this will happen in your normal backup process BUT… if you are in a hurry you can use the Reset Copies function in Utilities > Update to make it happen straight away!
Idea: We are bouncing around the idea of a new Status called L for Lost specifically for this type of issue… let us know what you think. (I know you probably won’t but it is VERY motivational to think that you might take some note of the suggestions I make in this manual!)
All… Utilities > Update > Circulation > Return Loans > All
- Will return all outstanding loans.
- As mentioned above, bulk returned items are marked missing and a NOTE is added about the Borrower and Loan date.
Non-staff… Utilities > Update > Circulation > Return Loans > Non-staff
- Will return all current non-staff loans.
- Wipe the slate clean at the start of a year when you finally realise there is no point in holding onto loans that have been out for 5 years! Leave the record there if you like, just don’t clog up your Overdues process with the flotsam.
- As mentioned above, bulk returned items are marked missing and a NOTE is added about the Borrower and Loan date.
Group… Utilities > Update > Circulation > Return Loans > Group
- Select a specific group and return all their current loans.
- As mentioned above, bulk returned items are marked missing and a NOTE is added about the Borrower and Loan date.
Borrower… Utilities > Update > Circulation > Return Loans > Borrower
- To return ALL loans that a borrower has and mark them missing at the same time. This function also adds a NOTE to the barcode that says… “Lent on 13th March 2009 to “Borrower” (Group)”.
- This NOTE stays with the barcode until it is deleted. If the resource is returned at some stage this NOTE will be displayed on the Return AND Lend screens.
Use Buffer File… Utilities > Update > Circulation > Return Loans > Buffer File
- Used to Bulk return resources from a Buffer File or list of barcodes.
- Very useful for dealing with VERY overdue resource across the board in one hit.
- Create a Buffer File or barcode list in several ways. The easiest for this example is probably via Circulation > Reports > Unreturned > Turn off Current Loans tick and set a date range that describes your “Probably not coming back anytime soon loans” and then sort the loans out on the screen by highlighting the ones you want to get rid of using Shift and Down arrow and CTRL-Click and Show Sel. Only button.
- Once you’ve got the list under control click the Export Button and click No to create a Buffer File… PLEASE give the file a useful name and remember where you save it!
- Jump into Utilities > Update > Circulation > Return Loans > Buffer File and follow the prompts. Records will be returned, Status will be M, Status Date will be todays date and there will be a NOTE on the Barcode record to remind you why this item was marked missing.
- Very handy but sadly, mostly an unused function.