- Login to OneSchool
- Reports / Student Management / Lists…
- Select Dynamic Student List Report
- Scroll down and tick the following fields: Year Level, Roll Class, Date of Birth, Age, Sex, MISId, Residential Address
- Select Excel as the Report Format, then select Generate Report
- You will then be asked ‘Do you want to Open or Save this file?’ Click Save and save to your Desktop
- Go to the Desktop and open the Excel File
- Right click on the 1 (in the Blue/Grey box…it’s the Row number indicator) and click Delete. Repeat this until you only have the data headings e.g. Student Name, etc…across the top row (under column letters)
- To split up Surname and First Name:
- Create a new column to the right of the Student Name column (right click on B column header and click Insert)
- Now right click on Column A (should highlight Student Names) and up on the top ribbon menu select “Data” tab and then under that select ‘Text to columns’
- Select ‘Delimited’ then ‘Next’
- Unclick ‘Tab’ and click ‘Comma’ and then click ‘Next’
- Click ‘Finish’
- If it asks you ‘do you want to replace the contents of the destination cells’ then select ‘Yes’
- In Cell B1 give the column a name… GivenName
- Save the document as an Excel File.
- Then go to File > Save As, go to Save as Type > Tab Delimited (*.txt)
- Save as *.txt file to Desktop
- Close the document.
- Open LibCode > Utilities > Backup/Restore > External Backup give this a specific name e.g. 20140211PreSynch
- Go to Utilities > Update > Circulation > Synchronise Borrower > Text File
- Select Yes (as you have already backed up)
- Choose the file and Open
- Untick ‘Update Specific Fields of Existing Borrowers Only’ to update all students
- Tick ‘Skip first row’ as these are the headings
- Match the Fields to the relevant Titles
- Type in @eq.edu.au as Domain part of email
- Check and if all is correct, Synchronise
- Close, then go into Circulation > Borrowers and check to see if everything is okay.
- If the wheels fall off… DON’T use Circulation until you Restore the Circulation data from the backup you made (Utilities > Backup-Restore > Restore > Circulation Only…) accept default if you did a “Backup” or Browse if you did some other backup and find the files… OR call us for help.