Bulk Editing – Updating…
LibCode has many features that allow for bulk editing. Bulk editing is useful when exactly the same thing needs to be changed on several (perhaps thousands of) records. It is not always possible to do bulk edits but it is certainly worth looking into if you have discovered an inconsistency, which may take many hours of record editing to correct. Don’t forget to check out Bulk Editing – Using Buffer Files as an option.
Details that are often changed using the Bulk Editing function include:
- Catalogue Details
- Barcode Details
- Keywords
- Subject Headings
- Thesaurus
- Circulation Details
- Cull Items
- Reset Copies
Bulk updating is an extremely useful tool for quick data editing. It is also very dangerous because you are actually changing information on the selected records. Please do not become complacent of the dangers of the Bulk Update facility. Good backups are your only chance if errors are made.