Audit Lists (Supplier) will generate a report detailing resources purchased from various suppliers during a set period of time.
This report will group and display the following information:
- Supplier Details including:
- Invoice Number.
- Sub-totals and totals for both invoices and supplier.
- Total cost of all Acquisitions.
- Average price of each resource.
- Resource Details including:
- Accession Number.
- Barcode.
- Title.
- GMD.
- Author.
- Acquisition Date.
- Fund.
- Cost.
- The dates that default in are currently the lowest and the highest possible values. These can be changed to look at a specific period of time.
- You can select a particular supplier. If your data is a little inconsistent you might be better off checking your current supplier list in XXXX?
- The search can be further refined by using additional filter options from this list, again setting low and high values.