Within the Utilities module of the LibCode Suite you can view, print and save many different forms of reports.
There are all sorts of other reports available in LibCode via Circulation Reports, Data Entry Reports…
*** Don’t forget the Enquiry Module Reports and Data Entry Catalogue tab that has a Report Generator tucked in behind the display grid… you format the report by changing the data grid layout!
The Utilities module can provide the following reports:
- Accession Register
- Barcodes Listing
- Audit List (Supplier)
- Audit List (Fund)
- Shelf List
- Subject Listing
- GMD / Subject Listing
- Authority Listings…
- Author
- Co-Author
- Fund
- Keyword
- Publisher
- Series
- Supplier
- Collection Statistics
- Spine Labels
- Use Barcodes
- No Barcodes
- Barcodes Labels
- Borrower Labels
A few examples of other really useful reports include:
- Potential Cull Items List by Publication Date – Enquiry > Title and other searches > Range > Set the criteria to include a certain range of Publication Dates (Publ. Year is the field to select) as demonstrated below…
- Data Entry.