At both the beginning and the end of every year there are a number of additional ‘chores’ that need to be carried out to ensure a smooth transition into the upcoming year.
At the beginning of the year:
These steps apply to LibCode and Text Tracker:
- Software upgrade(s) (this is only relevant if an upgrade is needed):
- Do ALL 3 backups.
- Utilities > Backup…yes to update and reindex.
- Utilities > Alternate Backup…backup to alternate folder.
- Utilities > External Backup to USB stick (click “add date folder”).
- Download and install upgrade.
- Restore backup
- Utilities > Backup Restore > Restore > All…
- Do ALL 3 backups.
- Set Circulation options:
- Loan cut-off dates
- Utilities > Setup > Circulation Options > Staff Loan Extensions, Loan Period Extensions, Loan Cut-off Dates… all take you to the same screen.
- Reservation expiry periods
- Utilities > Setup > Circulation Options > Reservation Expiry… to set automatic expiry of reservations in queue.
- Check for overdues.
- Check loan notes.
- Use replacement cost.
- Loan cut-off dates
- Student rollover:
- Synchronise borrowers with office systems
- Refer to manual.
- Manual adjusting
- Refer to manual.
- Synchronise borrowers with office systems
- Delete unused groups:
- Utilities > Update > Circulation > Unused Groups…Yes to permanently remove unused groups.
- Delete left borrowers:
- Utilities > Update > Circulation > Borrowers > Pass warning screen if you have done your Backups > Set selection criteria:
- Drop-down the “Selection field” and choose “group”.
- Type LEFT into the “Low Value” box.
- Click the “Apply” button.
- Click the “Purge” button and make sure you select the second option “Purge only selected borrowers with no unreturned loans”.
- Utilities > Update > Circulation > Borrowers > Pass warning screen if you have done your Backups > Set selection criteria:
- Print borrower barcode lists.
- Bulk-setting loan limits:
- Please call LibCode Support (07) 4638 9025.
- Setup borrower images.
- Lost loans.
- Long term “lost” staff loans.
- Left students with loans.
- Setup circulation email.
- CME web upload.
At the end of the year:
- Set the Loan Cutoff Dates for staff and students. You can set different cut-off dates for the various year levels. For example the Year 12 students leave first, so their cut-off date will be at least a week before they finish, followed by year 11 etc.
- Set the Staff Extension. Most schools set 999 days, this stops overdue alerts from popping up and long lists of staff overdues being printed by mistake.
- Replace the Web Catalogue so that teachers and students have access to an up-to-date catalogue over the holidays.